The Raw Dog Food Truth
Pets with allergies, skin issues gut issues, and behavior issues can live better lives by eating a species-appropriate diet. Find out the dangers of kibble and cooked foods. Your Pet's Health Is Our Business "Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble"
The Raw Dog Food Truth
Kibble vs. Raw: The Furry Fat Truth
Unravel the truths behind dog nutrition with this engaging episode that cuts through the noise surrounding what's best for our pets. Have you ever wondered why your dog seems overweight or why they develop lumps? DeDe Murcer-Moffett and Dr. Judy Jasek, an experienced veterinarian, team up to shine a light on the critical connection between diet and your dog's overall health. They dissect the prominent issues with kibble and discuss the myriad benefits of switching to a raw diet, including improved health outcomes, weight management, and disease prevention.
Throughout the episode, listeners will gain a clearer understanding of how processed diets, laden with unhealthy ingredients, can lead to metabolic issues and make our pets more susceptible to conditions like lipomas and organ dysfunction. They confront common myths, provide actionable insights on transitioning to a raw diet, and discuss what to expect during the detoxification phase. This lively discussion is laced with humor, invaluable expert knowledge, and personal anecdotes, providing a relatable and educational experience for all dog owners.
Are you ready to make a change for your pet and uncover the path to a healthier, happier life? Listen in, share your thoughts, and join our journey toward better nutrition for our furry friends. Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and check out our resources for more tips on optimizing your pet's health!
Raw Dog Food and Company where Your Pet's Health is Our Business and Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble
Contact Us Today We Can Help Your Pets Live Happier Healthier Lives
Oh snap. Well, hello World Feeders. I'm Dede Mercer-Muffin, ceo of a raw dog feeding company where your pet's health is our business and we're friends, like my friend Dr Judy Jasik out in Tennessee. Well, she doesn't let friends feed kibble. Now do you, dr Jasik? No way, no way, jose. But you know what I have to tell you this I get, we get so many folks that come over and they want to know why their dog's fat, right, they want to diet. They're like why is my dog fat and why do they have these lymphomas, right, lymphomas? And yet you, we have a section that says what are you feeding? Just doing, some milk bones, and we're just doing. You know, know, a lot of people still are feeding kibble and I'm like I don't know why that's not dawning on them. It's like those things cakes, cookies and chemicals are directly affecting your dog's fatness and also those fatty lymphomas. They're just not making, they're just not, they're just not making sense, not making sense.
Speaker 2:Right, right, because that sugar. I mean basically they're all processed carbs, which basically is sugar, like you said, cakes and cookies and sugar spikes, insulin. Because the insulin goes up, because the body needs to do something with all this sugar and so the insulin helps drive it into the cells. But insulin is also fat storage hormone. So when the insulin goes up and when the insulin is up high, like for for a long time, like you're always eating sugary things it's true in pets and in people the insulin stays up. That's, the body is being signaled that we got way more stuff than we need.
Speaker 1:What are we going to?
Speaker 2:do. Oh, I know, we'll store it as fat. That's why when pets are on a like meat diet, meat-based diet, they um, they maintain that lean body mass so much better because you're not getting those insulin spikes, the blood sugars staying lower and more stable. So there's a real sound, you know, metabolic reason for that. I've seen so many pets through those lipomas, those fatty lumps. Again a raw diet, and the little lumps go away because they don't they get rid of that fat. And I think those lipomas a lot of times are storing toxins in the fat from the food and they don't need that anymore. So they just, they just get rid of it. I call it the kibble fluff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you definitely could see that. Now. Many people get worried, dr Jacek, because they find these lumps on their dogs and they're worried that they're cancerous. But movability right Whether you can move them or not is is really a big factor, whether it's a benign fatty tumor or something worse, correct?
Speaker 2:yeah, I think so I mean, that's you know, nothing's a hundred percent. But I, you know, I'm not one to do a knee jerk and just start sticking needles into things. But I can tell you from actually earlier in my career, having removed a lot of lipomas because I used to do that. Lump shows up. You want to take it off. And the true fatty tumors, yes, they're very mobile, they're usually just underneath the skin and they don't have any deep attachment. And the more cancer patients I started working with, they're really aggressive, like sarcomas, the high, high grade malignancies that are on the periphery of the body. Yeah, they got these deep attachments because they're bringing in the body's blood supply and they like literally grow down into the tissue so they're very firmly attached. Now they can be like skin lumps like your, like mast cell tumors are actually in the skin so they move with the skin but, like pulmons, are just underneath the surface of the skin.
Speaker 1:So I was. I was looking at this article and it was talking about you know what causes these fatty tumors in dogs? Because I would tell you, dr Jacek, raw fed dogs that don't have toxins put in their system very seldom you're going to see a bunch of fatty tumors on dogs. So when we get these consultations and people say my dog's overweight and they have fatty tumors, I'm like, yeah, they tend to go hand in hand. Right Now, not that raw fed dogs can't be overweight. People love their dogs, they love to see them eat, they love to give them things, and so raw fed dogs can also be overweight. But I'm telling you, if you keep your dog slim, you're going to help them and you're going to help your pocketbook. Okay, you don't have to feed them so much that they are overweight.
Speaker 1:But in the simplistic of terms, lymphomas are a sign of body congestion. Okay, that's what this article was talking about. It was saying that the energy isn't flowing well in the body. It becomes trapped, so toxins and fat get trapped and walled off by the body's immune system. Um, and so the other thing that I want people to understand is and it pointed it out in this article it said fat in the food, like raw animal fat, is not a contributing factor to fatty tumors. Okay, so we. But it is the, the things, the toxins, okay.
Speaker 1:So what toxins contribute to lymphomas? Lipomas, um, vaccines, glyphosates, pesticides, herbicides, uh, chlorine in in your water, fluoride in your water, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, flea and tick, there it is. And even grooming products that have a lot of chemicals in the shampoos. But then it goes on to say the diet, kibble diets, guys, kibble diets, and those bone, those, those, whatever those treats are they you give the dogs? Those are also toxins, right? So the dog's liver, gallbladder, all that kind of stuff that has to react. It means it has to either release the enzymes that break down these nutrients or they assume the body is under attack and it triggers an immune response. So if your dog has a lot of lipomas, let's take an inventory of what might be causing that.
Speaker 2:Right. Right, and I think it's also important for people to be aware. You do change the diet, lipomas go away and if those lipomas are walling off toxins, you have a big. You can have a toxin release. Thus you could see some itchy skin or some diarrhea, because the body now has to get rid of those toxins. They had them all enveloped in these little packages. Now those toxins are free and because with better nutritional support, the body's natural ability to detoxify is healthier. So the body wants to get rid of those toxins. So what does it do? It might.
Speaker 2:The skin is actually the largest organ in the body, is the largest surface area. So we will get skin rashes because the body's trying to push them out through the skin. It might get diarrhea because they're trying to poop them out. Maybe they vomit a couple times. They're trying to puke them out. They might be drinking more water and peeing them out, might be urinating more. All those things should be temporary, but I so often see this knee jerk. Well, I changed to the raw and now my dog has diarrhea. So the raw is giving my dog diarrhea. But we really need to allow the body to get all these toxins out, because if you go back to kibble, the body just starts walling them off again and then some point on down the road you've got like a more serious cancer, autoimmune disease or something like that, showing up.
Speaker 1:Isn't that crazy that showing up isn't that crazy. So that's one thing that I think that we, um, here at raw dog food and company need to promote, or or promote awareness around more is the detox effect. Yeah, right, because I say that even if you are on a raw diet, okay, but you go in and get all of the preventatives, right, you get all the vaccines, you get all the preventatives, right, you get all the vaccines, you get all the preventatives, and then you come back and now you start, you know, getting loose stools, as you say, or some vomiting. What do people do, dr Jasek? They're like, oh, it's the food, it's a bad batch, it's the bird flu, you know. And you're like, okay, come on, let me help you snap out of it.
Speaker 1:Right, that that is not what it is. Could it be that all the toxins that you just put in the body? Well, no, because they've done this forever and they have never done this before. Okay, so what you're saying is that they, they've tolerated toxins well before. See, if you change the language, it doesn't. You know, people are like what? Yeah, yeah, your dogs tolerated all of the toxins before.
Speaker 2:Well, it's just, I think it's this food yeah, they were just the toxins were stuck in the body and the body wasn't healthy enough to get rid of them.
Speaker 2:So yeah we've been working on you know, karen and I have been talking about this Karen's our nutritionist on how to present this to people in a different light, like it's not, like it's just the food change it's. We're having this toxin release and I mean the body is having to learn how to digest something differently. So that's a shift. And if the gut's been hammered with lots of antibiotics and other medications, it can be harder. The body isn't as resilient. But you just, you just have to ride it out.
Speaker 2:That knee jerk, that food, the food's bad. Whatever protein they start on must be the beef, must be the chicken. It's like we have to look at it from a different perspective of no, this is a good thing that the body is getting rid of these toxins and if the pet is still eating and still active, good energy, they're staying hydrated, it's okay. Just let the body do its thing. You know, the body knows how to heal and the body knows how to stay healthy. And there's just this knee jerk into. Nobody wants to see any of these symptoms in your pet and I get it.
Speaker 2:Diarrhea can be inconvenient, especially if they're pooping in the house, but if they're acting okay, just give it a few days. If it's truly this detox, it isn't going to last that long. Just give it a little bit of time and you can do a little bit of support. Some extra bone broth, slippery yams a great herb just helps kind of soothe the gut. You know you got some supplements stevia in your sight from adored beasts that can help soothe the gut, you know. So just do those things and just ride it out. But like the worst thing you can do is run into the vet and what are they going to do? They're going to put the pet on probably metronidazole, which is an antibiotic, and then you're just going to be making the situation worse. You know, sometimes they get better in the short term, but in the long term you're just suppressing this process and you've just got to let the process ride out and then the pet's going to be much, much healthier in the long run yeah, yeah, absolutely so.
Speaker 1:some of the healing herbs that you probably like, um, are milk, thistle and dandelion, right, um. But but you guys, you have to be careful with some of these, and I would always work with someone like dr jacek and their, their crew over there to help you understand how much you want to give and how you want to pulse those in and out, because you don't want to do them forever. Right, many, many instructions or holistic people will say you know, you want to give them for six days and then a day off and then repeat so many weeks, right, for certain herbs. Also, apple cider vinegar, they say, can be really powerful in the prevention of treatment of lymphomas.
Speaker 1:But remember this you can't feed kibble and then give apple cider vinegar, okay, this does not work, right, but we're not talking about a ton of apple cider vinegar, right? So for our little guys, 15 pounds or less, we're talking about one teaspoon daily, okay. And now if you've got a dog, that's 80 pounds, we're only talking about two tablespoons daily, okay, so we're not talking about a ton, a ton of apple cider vinegar either. Um, I can't stand the smell of apple cider vinegar, it just, I just can't, I just.
Speaker 2:but you know I will do that my husband drinks it and I'm like I can't even stand like smelling it like in his glass. It's just like it's. And it's funny because I used to drink it some because it's just, you know, supposed to be good for you and all that stuff, but now it's just like I get it. I find also that apple cider vinegar is good for like stimulating natural digestion, because I think a lot of the dogs that have been on kibble a long time they're not making the appropriate stomach acid. I think you know we want that good acid production in the stomach and so these dogs that 10 people will say they've got reflux, that little herpy they throw up in their mouth, you know that kind of thing.
Speaker 2:Apple cider vinegar or a little bit of ginger tea helps stimulate that natural digestion, because you know one of the knee jerks is, if dogs are doing this like reflux thing, oh, put them on Pepsod or an antacid. I think the problem is they don't have enough acid and then the stuff's food sitting in their stomach and it just kind of like putrefies and there's not getting broken down properly, especially if it's kibble. And then the other problem you can have is motility the stomach is not contracting and emptying the dog's digestive tract should be pretty rapid transit. It should go in there in the stomach and the acid breaks it down and the stomach kicks it into the small intestine. It should happen pretty quick, certainly within a couple of hours. But if that's not happening, these simple things like the apple cider vinegar and the and the ginger tea can, I think, help stimulate that process and you can try one or the other. You know pet stores are differently but that might be part of why it helps with the lipomas to we're in anytime. We're improving digestion.
Speaker 1:We're going to improve the health of the body overall anytime we're improving digestion, we're going to improve the health of the body overall. Yeah, and the other thing I want to touch on today is when there's an intestinal blockage in dogs. Right, Because I hear this sometimes. I'm like you know, you and I, as long as we've been doing raw bones are the thing that people fear. Right, they fear intestinal blockages in dogs, and yet what we see you know what I hear from Amanda, our daughter, and probably what you saw in your practice was dogs are more likely going to get a foreign body obstruction, like balls, toys, clothing balls, toys, clothing strings, you know, non-food items that can't be digested, right, and these are what cause these intestinal blockage. But if your dog has some type of a blockage, dr Jasek, that they can't get out, what would they see? What are the signs of an intestinal blockage?
Speaker 2:Those dogs are super sick. They will be vomiting, but it's like multiple times an hour. It's almost like incessant vomiting, like they're vomiting every 1520 minutes Because the body, I think, senses this and they're very, very painful. These dogs are standing like they don't even want to move. They hurt so bad.
Speaker 2:Now, depending on where the blockage is, they could look bloated, you know, because you can get gas and stuff build up. You know, ahead of the blockage, because it can't pass through but you don't always but they will be painful. These are excruciatingly painful. So when the dogs are standing just like arched back, really painful, don't want to move, and you go to touch their belly and they're just like tense up, those are signs that they're extreme signs Like you know there's something wrong. If, if there's a blockage, it's a certain and that's a, you know, if it's a true blockage, it's a surgical emergency you got to get in and get it out, you know or your pet isn't going to survive. The intestines can open up and start to leak. That's like a next step. If the blockage causes a decrease in circulation to the gut, then part of the gut dies, opens up and leaks, and then you get a peritonitis and that's even more painful.
Speaker 2:So, these dogs are really sick, like occasional vomiting, and especially if the dog's eating dog with a blockage. Blockage will not be eating, they won't be taking in anything poorly, um.
Speaker 1:So if dog's still eating or drinking, maybe vomiting a little bit, they they don't have a blockage the um, some of the things that can cause intestinal blockage, guys, is not's, not just a foreign object, but there could be a tumor. Okay, it could be a tumor growing large enough to block that area and also adhesions or scar tissue from prior surgeries. And so you know people go in and they do all these different types of surgeries. You know people go in and they do all these different type of surgeries. You know even spay and neuter or something like that, I guess, could cause that. Do you think that a spay, a bad spay or a bad neuter could cause something like that, or is it not in the right area?
Speaker 2:Well, spay certainly could, if you know. Um, you know, I mean spays are pretty routine, so any kind of decent surgeon should be able to get in and out of there pretty quick. You remove the uterus, remove the ovaries, so the scar tissue should not be an issue, but the but the uterus where you remove the uterus is, you know, right next to the colon. So say you're in there and you know, cut the cult or cut the uterus off. Colon. So say you're in there and you know, cut the cult or cut the uterus off. You tie it off, cut it off and you accidentally like nick the colon or something caught the colon and your suture, or you know stuff like that can happen.
Speaker 2:It shouldn't happen if the surgeon is careful but it's, you know, certainly a possibility. And with neutering I mean because the testicles on the outside of the abdomen, if they're normally descended into the scrotum, then that shouldn't cause any intestinal issues. However, if you have a retained testicle where they didn't descend into the scrotum normally and go into the abdomen to get them, then that could also cause some scarring because, especially because they can be hard to find, you know, done those surgeries, you have to go in there and look for them and they're usually a lot smaller so they're not so easy to find. So you know that certainly could cause some scarring.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know the chi, your dog's chi, right, the blood flow, the energy flow. Again, I still contend that chiropractic for dogs and also acupuncture for dogs is nothing but good nothing but good you know.
Speaker 1:So get them on a raw diet. You know I know that people mean well, and maybe they just don't know, but I was talking to a sweet girl last night and she said, oh, yes, because. She said what do you? I said, well, I own a raw dog food company and she said you know, I feed, I cook for my dog and, uh, I put rice and then I put oatmeal and I put canned tuna and a raw egg, and what do you think about that? I said, well, I get rid of everything except the raw eggs. She was like, oh, my gosh really, and I said, and I wouldn't cook it. She's like, why? Because raw these are.
Speaker 1:You know, it's just so funny, um, as some of the recipes that people come up with that have so little value, so little value for your dog. And I said you know, especially canned tuna, on a consistent basis. Now, you know, every now and then. Okay, I don't do it even on the every now and then, but I just don't know where these and I I suspect, dr jasic, that they're out there floating on the internet somewhere. Here's a great recipe for your dog and it's like it's real simple Meat, bones, organ and fat. Don't cook it. Farmer's dog has screwed this up for so many people. Oh, totally.
Speaker 2:Because they advertise as a natural, healthy diet and they're not. They're high in carbs and people just I don't know why it's like people feel like their pets have to have rice like rice or oats like rice especially. It's like this magic ingredient in every recipe Got to put some rice in, or some brown rice or some oatmeal. Dogs don't need any of that stuff and it's not good for them. They don't need any of those starches. People don't understand. We see something I would say it's extremely rare, almost unheard of, to find somebody that's home preparing a meal for their dog. That is doing it what I would call balanced and doing it appropriately, and a big part of that is the organ and bone. Like they can go buy raw meat but then they try to quote unquote balance it with produce which dogs don't digest very well and then they put in these carbs and it's not. It's not a healthy diet. Now, they might do better on that than kibble, because pretty much anything's better than kibble. At least it's whole food. But it's not a balanced diet.
Speaker 2:But to get the organs, you know, like what we recommend. You want this blend of organs, so you go to the store. You probably find some liver, maybe some heart, but you're not going to find kidney or spleen or lung or any of these other organs that are in your raw blends or in your. You know your organ only blend, so how are you getting that part in? You don't? We don't want to be putting a synthetic is the other thing. You see, you know, I'll just throw in this nice multivitamin with 60 ingredients in it because it's got all the nutrients that you know my dog needs. Well, those are all synthetics. If it reads like a bunch of chemicals, it's a bunch of chemicals and you have no idea how bioavailable that is. So to get this organ and bone content right in the diet, it's, I mean, unless you are like butchering your own animals, I, I mean, I've worked with a few people over the years that get it and they have the resources.
Speaker 2:They live on a cattle ranch or they have a family that hunts regularly. They, they got all the organs and meat and everything in their freezer so they can do it, but that's extremely rare. So I we we really typically stirp steer people away from any kind of home preparation because it's so hard to do it really, really well and balance the diet whole food, because if you're not adding supplements. You've got to be really particular with the balance, and probably the main thing I see left out the most is the bone. With the balance, and probably the main thing I see left out the most is the bone. I see a doctor people have been cooking for them and there's no mineral being added at all. And that's certainly not. I mean, not only is the diet not usually not balanced, but then they're getting none of that natural, natural mineral in the diet which is, you know, obviously super important.
Speaker 1:So we have chicken hearts Now have, uh, chicken hearts now we have chicken hearts and we have chicken organ. But what do you think's frightening the people now? It's the bird flu and the avma. Dr jasic that you sent me the article. They're really pushing no raw diets.
Speaker 2:Right, they've always pushed no raw. Now they have another reason to make people more afraid of the raw and another talking point for the vets to make people afraid of feeding raw. Well, it's the bird flu. So you know better not feed it because Because you know who has, you know, you see all these birds out there all the time dropping from the sky, because it's supposedly, it's supposedly spread by, you know, wild birds, you know waterfowl in particular is what they're saying and that is just blown around out there. So if we're in danger of, you know, killing chickens and making us sick, why aren't these birds dying from it?
Speaker 2:I listen to a Joel Salton podcast every week and he's like you know, we got like 20 ponds on our property and there's geese and ducks, you know all of the all of the water birds and he said I have yet to find a dead one. He said I know they die, but if this virus was rampant, wouldn't you expect them? Just, you know, just seeing a whole bunch of dead ones. If this is what's killing the chickens, and you know the other thing is they're not eliminating sick chickens. These chickens are not sick, no symptoms, they're just testing them. So it's another case of an epidemic of a positive test, and we know these PCR tests are bogus. I asymptomatic chickens are they asymptomatic?
Speaker 1:asymptomatic spreaders, except they get killed. Did you see how many millions? It was like 66 million. It was ungodly. And I saw this great meme where they go into fort knox, they open up to see where the gold is and what do they find? Eggs, eggs from all the stores. They've confiscated all the eggs. They put them there.
Speaker 2:That's funny. Well, you know, the other problem with this DeeDee is they don't have enough room in these houses to keep the chickens six feet apart, so I guess their option is to kill them.
Speaker 1:Because if they could keep, them six feet apart. They'd be good, and the masks and the little bitty tiny mask. Who's making those little bitty tiny masks?
Speaker 1:But you know they have the claws so they can just yank those masks right off oh yeah, they wouldn't tolerate that and then they just poke through Gosh, gosh, you know? I mean, come on, it's not that we don't have a heart for sick animals we do. But what we have a heart for is the truth, so that we can make animals well. And I'm not a fan of killing off all these birds, all these chickens, for no reason. For no reason. That just sounds very apocalyptic. I mean, think about it. If it jumps over to human, we're just going to start killing people that we think are going to. You know, look, you remember this in COVID? Remember how people were? They hated you, you were the enemy, and I contend that those people would have been fine with you being killed, because they thought if you didn't get a shot and didn't wear a mask, you were a threat to their survival.
Speaker 2:So you need to die Right and people said that, like people that don't get the shots, they're a threat. They should die.
Speaker 1:That's frightening. So you know, it's just one step away when we are allowing all of these birds to be killed, for two cats that we don't even know actually died from the bird flu. And yet, dr Jasik, we have how many people dying of fentanyl? We have how many people you know the whole um autism thing is coming up right now one in 36, one in 36, uh, and they, they look at it, um, male children are going to have autism and and as as as the president said, we have a problem. Something is terribly wrong, right? So you know, we have to really look at where there is truth in these numbers. I don't think that two cats that we can't even truly, if you look at some of the reports, they're going to say, well, it had the sequence oh God, where'd we hear the sequence, you know, in the cats that matches the h1n1, all that kind of jazz. Two, and now we're going to kill all these millions of birds.
Speaker 2:Come on, come on, come on right, it's like you know, I mean this when you think about how dark this could get. They're like normalizing mass extinction. They're starting with chickens because people, you know, chickens aren't so warm and fuzzy. I have chickens and I like them, but they're not like cuddly really, and they're very interesting and they're very interesting personalities and all this. But you know, you're a bit removed from the chickens. They're not a mammal. You know all that.
Speaker 2:Now they're already talking about it jumping to cows, right, so then are they going to start? Well, we got to start eliminating these cow herds because it's spreading to them. And then people get used to hearing about that oh, looks like it's spreading to the pets. You know, what are we going to do? Better, start euthanizing pets. And then what? Oh, people got it, start eliminating them. I mean, it's like a the boiling frog thing, right, you just people get used to a narrative and start normalizing. Well, this is what you do to stay healthy. And they just keep eliminating one species to the next, when it doesn't make any sense at all.
Speaker 2:Nothing has been proven about this. They say there's a positive test. You know, if there was millions of chickens getting actually sick, that would be different. But they're not. They're not. They're just coming up with a positive test and one positive test and a whole flock which in these big, you know, production facilities could, could be millions of birds in just one facility. It's, it's really sick and yet people just latch on to the fear. Just latch on to the fear and believe the, the propaganda stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
Speaker 1:Bob Newhart. Bob Newhart, he's like you know, how can we? She's like, how do you fix me, doc? And he's like you know, because she's thinking these terrible thoughts on that thing. Or she's worried and he's like stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it. That way, All right, everybody. Thanks so much for listening today. Remember, tell your friends about the Raw Dog Food Truth Podcast. It's a great way to get educated, helping your dog live longer lives, and that is to one, put your fear aside and really understand what this thing is in front of you. It is a carnivore. It doesn't cook its food, it doesn't eat grains, you know, and it eats things that we would never eat, like vomit and poop. And I say that to people and they're like, yeah, but it's gross and they shouldn't. Well, okay, but they do and they're fine.
Speaker 2:They don't think it's gross.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they don't have that story in their head. They're like right.
Speaker 2:Right, I mean, why let the food go to waste? Oh look, I vomited up that bone. I spent all that time chewing on it. I'm going to give it another go.
Speaker 1:I cannot, I cannot. So we're out here in Arizona. We have three ponds right here, boom, boom, boom, ducks, geese everywhere. I cannot keep Lazi from eating the poop, right, she's like I'm going to go out there and get as much of that poop in me as I can, right. And so I have to give her her toy so that she will focus on that, not the poop. But she's a little sneaky, you know, and she'll be there and she's not sick, she's just fine. So, um, not that I want her to eat the poop, but I'm also not going to freak out that she's eating the poop. It's like an actual probiotic, it's like whatever. Whatever you know it, it is what it is. They are carnivores. So we need to respect their being, and that means respect and adhere to what they need to eat to be the healthiest. All right, if your dog's overweight, got lapomas, um, let's get all the toxins out of their system. I know I hear you saying right now, but I have to do you, but I have to do you.
Speaker 1:Really, come on now, there's no there's no, there's no have tos, right, right, because there's a lot of people that aren't. So that's just that's. You know what I'm talking about. So get the toxins out of their system, feed them what they're supposed to. Get over to AHA vetcom, that's Dr J 16, aha vetcom dot com, that's Dr Jasek's team. Ahavetcom. If you have a diagnosis, if you have a protocol, if you have something coming up that you're not sure that that's the way you want to go with your dog, maybe you want to go a different way, you want to be holistic. You want a second, third opinion? Get over to AHAVetcom. Dr Jasek can work with you today.
Speaker 2:Oh, maybe not today, she's quite busy but you can get a list pretty soon, pretty soon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you go uh, if you want some help, uh, get over to rawdogfoodandcompanycom. Sign up for our free 20-minute consultation. That usually goes about 45 minutes, because you know that's what brian does. He's very good. Um and uh, we ship all over. Where do we ship? We ship all all over the united states, including alaska and hawaii, but I will say it's quite expensive to go there. Okay, it's very expensive shipping is expensive.
Speaker 2:Shipping's expensive and it's not like you're. You're inventing those prices Like the companies that ship are raising those prices Like astronomically. We ship stuff out too and it's getting expensive and unfortunately they're getting less and less reliable too. But yeah, it's expensive to ship the world is going to change.
Speaker 1:Dr Jasek, I'm waiting. We're doing some good things in the world right now. I think the pricing is going to change eventually. I hope there's going to be some relief out there and so I'm very hopeful about the future. Um, I I, I wouldn't worry about this bird flu guys. Uh, seriously, if, if you go outside and you start seeing flocks of bird fall from the sky, then we'll talk about it. Then we'll maybe, you know, look at what chemtrails are being sprayed in their way. But I've, right now it's like come on.
Speaker 2:No big deal.
Speaker 1:There's no big deal, absolutely All right, everybody, get over to raw dog food and companycom. Well, your pet's health is our business. And what, dr Jasek? Our friends don't let friends feed kibble, y'all. That's right, we'll see you soon, everybody, bye-bye, bye. Find out how you can start your dog on the road to health and longevity. Go to rawdogfoodandcompanycom, where friends don't let friends feed kibble and where your pet's health is our business.
Speaker 2:Just snap.