The Raw Dog Food Truth
Pets with allergies, skin issues gut issues, and behavior issues can live better lives by eating a species-appropriate diet. Find out the dangers of kibble and cooked foods. Your Pet's Health Is Our Business "Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble"
The Raw Dog Food Truth
Decoding Pet Obesity and the Benefits of a Raw Diet - Dr. Judy Jasik, DVM
The episode dives into the critical health issues facing our dogs, particularly those stemming from kibble diets, while advocating for the benefits of raw feeding. A central theme emerges—dismantling the myths and marketing that keep pet owners from understanding what's truly best for their canine companions.
• Exploring the epidemic of overweight pets and its implications
• Discussing the dangers of kibble and processed foods
• Challenging the fears surrounding raw feeding, like bird flu
• Debunking myths around disease transmission and raw diets
• Advocating for informed choices and community support
• Encouraging dialogue about the health of pets and misinformation
Raw Dog Food and Company where Your Pet's Health is Our Business and Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble
Contact Us Today We Can Help Your Pets Live Happier Healthier Lives
Oh snap. Well, hello, raw Feeders. I'm Deedee Mercer-Muffet, ceo of Raw Dog Food Company. Well, your pet's health is our business and we're friends, like my friend Dr Judy Jasik. Well, she's out there helping all the dogs in the world not eat kibble, or at least you try. Right, dr Jasik? We do the best we can.
Speaker 2:All we can do is educate. You know, and we just tell people. People sometimes slip back down. You know raw is too expensive, or what about the bird flu? Or what about this, what about that. But you know all we can do is is tell people. And you know like after all these years you know just like you Dee, you see the results and the benefits of feeding raw for so many years. Like there's just no question in my mind. It's, it's the best. Some dogs have, you know, issues. They've come to us, they've been on lots of drugs, lots of medications, lots of antibiotics, so their guts kind of messed up and it's a little harder to get them to transition. But now there's no question, it's the best diet. So we we keep trying. It'd be a heck of a lot easier. Just recommend kibble right, like if we're in the kibble business, we could retire well, they're gazillion billionaires.
Speaker 1:I mean you know what I'm saying and um, it's, I mean, it's marketing again, and we love to look at all the crazy marketing that's out there, right? I still I got to rant about this a little bit more. There's so many fat dogs. I just, you know, it pains me, dr Jasek, when I am seeing these fat dogs and I'm sorry, I'm going to fat shame. I'm fat shaming these dogs because it is so incredibly negligible on the pet parent's part when you, you know, here's what I would say.
Speaker 1:And it came to me the other day when one of our neighbors here had a sack of grapefruits and she said take as many as you want. So I took two grapefruits Now, these are just two and I put them in my sweatshirt and I was carrying them. Now, that couldn't have been. I don't know, maybe was that even a pound, I don't know. But it was bothersome to even carry that much weight right there in the front pockets of my sweatshirt and I was thinking how bothersome, how tragic is it that a dog is carrying around 15, 20 pounds? And I'm not kidding you that. I see these labs and these goldens.
Speaker 2:And these goldens, they are waddling, waddling like a duck I see that here too, and so, so, so sad. And even, like you know, one of our neighbors that we know pretty well and she kind of understands and they're kind of a little more, you know, health-oriented, and talked to her about raw and you know I sent her information on you guys, oh, that's just too expensive and their dogs probably 30 pounds overweight, you know, just really really heavy. She's the same thing. Oh, she's sore, she's got arthritis. The dog doesn't want to do you and they walk a little bit like just lay down, because not only are they overweight and that's hard on their joints, but then their joints are all inflamed from, you know, from the kibble and it's. It really is tragic, it's the same. I just, it just breaks my heart to see all these plus plus. Lots of them are over vaccinated.
Speaker 2:I'm fleeing tick and all this other stuff and they're just in such poor health and it's such a poor quality of life. It's really sad to see. You know, I was going to say I think last week you mentioned how people also like dress their dogs up there. Maybe it's to hide the fat. Do they use vertical stripes and stuff to make them look slimmer? I like these leggings that have a stripe down the side because they do.
Speaker 1:They make my it look slimmer. I like these leggings that have the stripes down the side, because they do they make my legs look slimmer. I saw Adobe, so I was walking yesterday. Now you have to understand, I'm currently in Arizona. Okay, I'm in the Scottsdale area and it is not cold here. So I'm not in Colorado right now where it is, uh, where it is dumping snow and it is super cold. Even in Oklahoma it's super cold. So I get it If you want to put a jacket on your dog or even booties on your dog right when you're out in the snow.
Speaker 1:But it is not cold here, not even in the mornings Is it cold. And I was walking yesterday morning and this Dobie, this Doberman Pinscher's, got this big old jacket on and I'm like you just don't look scary in a big jacket. Dog's probably like I am so hot, take this coat off me. No kidding. But the ones that really bother me are the little Yorkies that have hats and sunglasses on. I'm just like I don't, you know, a dog's eyes are made to, you know, see things in a certain way, and I'm like how do those glasses affect their vision?
Speaker 2:That is so like anthropomorphizing, isn't it? Like people like to wear their sunglasses, so I've got to put sunglasses on my dog. Yeah, I mean, it's got to be really uncomfortable for him. I can't imagine. You know, when I have little dogs I had little chihuahuas for years I never dressed them up, even if it was really cold, and they didn't even like wearing clothes, like I would get little coats because they didn't like the cold. So when it was really cold I'd put a little coat on them to go outside. But like they hated them my one little five pounder, you know, I put a sweater on her and she'd just stand there and stare at me Like take this thing off, you know. So I'm like fine, just go outside. They'd go outside, go potty and just come right back in. They're content just hanging out inside. If the weather was cold, they just didn't stay outside. But they didn't like being dressed up.
Speaker 1:I don't, you know, I don't know well, you know, it's always worrisome because, um, the only way that dogs can cool themselves down is, you know, they got a pant through their mouth and their feet right, and so it's like come on, peeps. But whatever I mean, you know, I'm ragging on, I'm ragging on, I'm ragging on some people and they're like, but I'm dressing up my dog, okay.
Speaker 2:Well then, at least feed them raw, you know, because if they at least got some of that weight off, they won't be so hot in all those clothes.
Speaker 1:You know I was, I was looking at um, ozempic, okay, and and I'm going to, I'm going to connect these two because I was, I was looking about. You know, there's a lot of things that come out about Ozempic and then included in those articles are why being overweight is so unhealthy, Right? Those articles are why being overweight is so unhealthy, right? So if you know that being overweight causes arthritis, it causes inflammation, it causes all types of things to go wrong in the body, right, they say that for people, when you're carrying around excessive, you know belly fat, that you are susceptible to cancer, right? So think about this, dr Jason, we have an epidemic of fat dogs and we have an epidemic of cancer in dogs as well. And then people want to say raw is too expensive. And I'm thinking well, well, I'm certain that these overweight dogs have problems. Right, they're going to have some type of problem. Whether that is going to be, um, gut problems, joint problems, um, they're just going to have all types of issues. I'm sure there's medications that are being spent on that.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, we had a guy stop us the other day, cause you know, we have the raw dog food truck. Our, our truck is, has a wrap on it, and and, and. That's what he said. He said, well, it was expensive. And we said how much do you love your dog? Yeah, what's your?
Speaker 2:dog. What's your dog's?
Speaker 1:health worth, right. And he was like, okay, now you're getting me. And I just said, well, I, I I don't know how, how to define it any better than if you're in in decent health. Do you want your health to decline because you're eating pop tarts and you're eating, you know, cheerarts and you're eating Cheerios? And so people may say, no, I'm eating the Lovebirds or the Magic Mike's cereal. Right, that's still processed foods. It may be a step up, but it's still processed foods. Right, it's not real food. And when we talk about real food, we're talking about things that haven't been concocted in a lab to make it something that you can eat. Right, real food, things that you know chicken, duck, turkey pork, beef, um, and unfortunately, the dadgum bird flu is, uh causing problems. I just got this from from brian. He said you know, there was a raw pet food company that they're going after, uh, because they said that it was a source of infection to house cats. Okay, here we go back with the cats again, dr jaycey, they're sure picking on the poor cats, aren't they?
Speaker 1:right, but here's, here's the part of this that everybody needs to know. Brian says that the test came back as non-negative. Non-negative and apparently that's a term that defines a test result as neither conclusively positive or conclusively negative. He goes what the hell does that mean? Well, I don't know, brian, because I think that's senseless. I mean, it's like this means that it means absolutely nothing. And then they're like oh, you know, I see these weren't. Don't feed, you know your cat, you know duck or turkey or chicken or whatever. You know, dr jaycey, here's the thing these farmers, the avian flu um is identified, these birds are not going to be able to fly. They're going to be laying out on the floor, right? So they know right. Let's just say, even if there is this thing I think it's probably more they're in cramped places and you know right, um. The other thing I was thinking about is this if, if avian flu is so widespread, do you see a lot of dead birds, like on your property anywhere?
Speaker 2:no, just the ones our cats kill, right? Oh my gosh, they're gonna get bird flu.
Speaker 1:I better tell them to quit killing birds you know we're gonna be deemed non-serious and we're going to be deemed whatever. But I'm just like, I'm just show me the proof this non-negative, non-conclusive and non-negative. I mean non-positive, non-negative. What the hell is that it's nonsensical is what it is.
Speaker 2:And even if so, I don't believe this birth losing even exists, but just say it did and say that this food that the cats ate truly had truly tested positive for it. There's still no. That still doesn't prove that that's what they died from. It shows that this food tested positive for something, whatever that is.
Speaker 2:And yes, we have a dead cat, supposedly. Does that mean that that thing in the food killed the cat, that it had anything to do? Maybe the cat at antifreeze or something else? You know, people don't think through the lack of logic and just fall for this nonsensical propaganda. And then a test like that. And even though something like that comes out, people are still going to be afraid of it because they hear the word. You know, it's this programming got to be afraid, afraid of the bird flu. I mean, I have clients ask me all the time about it and I used to say that I tell them what I just said, that there's no proof, there's no direct proof that anything in that food killed those cats. If there even was a dead cat, there's nothing that's definitively proven any of that. But people don't seem to think critically, they just jump right on the fear bandwagon.
Speaker 1:Would that even get? Let's just say it was in a court of law okay, in a court of law. And you had to really have the evidence. Okay, like a person. Okay, so say a person is you've got a dead person. Like a person, okay. So say a person is you've got a dead person. And you've got a bowl of porridge, okay, oatmeal. In today's world we'd say oatmeal. And you say, well, I think that this wife poisoned this husband with the oatmeal. Well, you have to prove that. And how do you prove this? So it's like that's what they're saying with this bird flu. They're like well, I tested it and it has this non-negative, non-positive thing in it. Therefore, you're going to prison for the rest of your life.
Speaker 2:I mean you would never get that through a court of law, right? And the other thing has anybody ever proven that bird flu survives stomach acid? So most quote, unquote, viruses, you know you like breathe them in. And you know I can see chickens getting sick in confinement, where I mean these chickens are just cramped in these little cages and it's dusty and dirty and they're breathing in all kinds of crap all the time, which is what makes them sick. Probably not viruses. So-called virus could even survive the stomach acid. That's why dogs and cats have such, you know, a high acid content. Such a low pH is so that they can eat all this stuff with all this bacteria and everything on it and if there's something in there that that we don't want in their body, that that acid will eliminate it. You know, has anybody looked at that? It's like they just put out the propaganda that it's gonna fit their narrative and they want to make. They've been trying to get people, make people afraid of raw feeding for a long time and now they're just using this.
Speaker 1:They're using this to do it and it's working and then you say, oh well, it's jumped from, it's not just in the chicken, it's in the beef, because we got to get rid of the beef. And you know, the other thing that I did here, right, and I heard about this three years ago now, about these electronic collars for the cattle. I heard about it up in Craig, colorado, from a farmer out there and he was all on board about this. He was like you know, we're going to be able to get rid of the cowboys, we don't have to have fencing, we're going to put these electronic collars on these cattle and you come up into sort of the geosphere and we're able to track them that way, right, and so, yeah, what I was listening to, they were saying one of the things that had to happen in order to get this bill passed through for these electronic callers was there had to be this fear, right. And they were saying the bird flu is exactly what needed to happen in order to get this thing passed through.
Speaker 1:Remember, if you're going to do something that you would never do otherwise, it has to come from a space that we are doing it to help your grandmother live. Right, we're helping. It's for the good of all. It's for the good of all, and probably not sure I mean I don't. The COVID narrative is still out there, dr jacek. I think that a lot of people have woken up to it because did that make any sense at all? That you're going to incentivize someone to be deemed a covid patient? That doesn't even make any sense and that should be frightening as hell. If you have a doctor that actually took the money and was was okay with being incentivized to determine that you were a covid patient, that is frightening oh yeah, you know, I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I guess, because of the stuff I listen to, I've heard this many times from many people how much more a hospital got paid just for the diagnosis, just for that COVID, and why? Because they want to keep the fear going, because there weren't any cases, there weren't people dying, there was no increased death, not until after they came up with the shots. So they had to create a pandemic of testing, of positive tests, not of an actual disease. They had to, you know, keep this narrative going.
Speaker 1:so how did they?
Speaker 2:do that well, they pay him and it was exorbitant.
Speaker 1:I I don't like.
Speaker 2:Something like 30,000 or something reached COVID diagnosis. I mean it was astronomical how much money hospitals made for the diagnosis or putting people on the ventilator and basically killing them. They'd make like a hundred grand to diagnose somebody with COVID and and kill them and like, yeah, how scary is that. How, how could, how would you ever trust a doctor again After that? I mean you have to be really really careful or you have to be sure you're carefully scrutinizing your doctors. You just don't blindly trust them. I'm sure there's some out there that are trustworthy, but a lot of them fell for this shenanigans and all the interest of money or keeping their job, and that really is frightening how indoctrinated the medical doctors have become.
Speaker 2:It's the same with veterinarians too, by the way, I almost think they're worse. I actually got an email from a client I don't know for sure if she's a customer of yours or not, but she basically said you know, are there any veterinarians like banding together to speak out against this bird flu narrative? Because she sees, she says this could be really devastating. They could start taking pets, they could start euthanizing pets in the interest of preventing the spread of bird flu. And she said during COVID, you know, there were some doctors that stepped outside the box and started speaking out. And she said Are there any, any other vets like yourself doing that? You know, speaking to me and I said, sadly, none that I'm aware of that all fall into the kind of virus narrative narrative. Maybe some are talking, not quite as strong on the fear, but I I don't know any, because most of any that's because most holistic vets are not very holistic anyway.
Speaker 2:So I and I think so, I think the veterinary profession is more in the box than even human medicine is. It's pretty sad.
Speaker 1:Well, we've been doing this podcast for many, many years and we've talked and talked and talked about flea and tick, we've talked about heartworm, we've talked about the dangers, the absolute dangers of kibble, and that doesn't shake anybody in their boots. They're like well, my dog, you know I, you know it's like the Soresto commercial. I want to protect him of the big scary, you know, ticks and all that kind of stuff. I was talking to a lady the other day. There's a, there's a woman here and she's very, very holistic and she said I've never done any flea and tick, I've never done heartworm, I've never done the rabies, and she had the cats too. She had cats and the other woman was standing there. She goes well, what do you do about mosquitoes? And she said well, we don't even have mosquitoes here. You're in freaking Arizona.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she was like we don't have mosquitoes here fewer mosquitoes there than in Colorado, than we're training in Colorado right and she was like, oh, okay, and you know, I said you could do garlic and and again the whole garlic. Well, you can't give dogs garlic. And I said you can. You know I get it's part of the onion family, but we're not talking about bushels of it, we're talking about appropriate amounts and um but isn't that ironic.
Speaker 1:They're worried about the toxicity of garlic garlic, but not these medications right and because medications have become, they have desensitized us, to us they have. They have said these are going to be the thing that heals you. Right, these are the things that heal you, and I get it that we do need Western medicine. I'm not saying that we don't, but I'm saying that these just in case things right. Or your dog is ill and you look at the food because you think it might be the bird flu. I'm like, honestly, people look around you how many dogs? And I don't know if there's been a dog, why is it the cats? You know, maybe the cat had renal kidney failure. I mean, who knows how many cats do we see? With that, right?
Speaker 2:and there's no information. These cats that supposedly died there's are there medical records, any other testing? Did they test for anything else? They? They there supposedly is a dead cat and then the food tested positive. Nothing, nothing else. There's no evidence. You know. People are like oh well, you know, we need research studies and we need proof that this you know, raw food is safe. Well, there's no proof that these cats died of anything from that food. But no, that's the narrative. It's like people. They want a narrative that they're comfortable with for some reason. So they're comfortable believing that they don't want to be one of these weirdos that says raw food's good and healthy because their vet doesn't support that and most other people think that they're crazy and that it's too expensive, so they'd rather. Just it's like they're looking for a reason to make raw food bad. Oh, now they got the bird flu, so now they can make raw food bad because of that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and and again they're coming out with this. Okay, so they're going to say that raw pet food identified as a source of bird flu infection to house cats. Now, I don't understand why this, would you know be the case? And I will say that they were saying you know, there's no human infections have been identified with those handling raw pet food. And I, you know, look, we get the calls. We have something on our website. If you want to see what strenuous effort raw pet food companies have to go through in order to get the product to consumer, it's right there on the website. But again, dr Jasek, it's sort of like that dilated cardiomyopathy bs that we had to fight for how many years before the truth came out right. But you know, you, you as keto pets identified, it costs sales and it will take some raw pet food companies out. And then what are you going to feed your dogs? Then what are you going to do?
Speaker 1:right, you better go get some of those um cattle with those collars on them and stuff, because you're going to be making your own you know, when there's so many factors to health and again, you're right that I would love to see the medical records the other factor is for any dog or cat that's sick, and I would like to see the medical records for the last five years, right. What's been accumulating? What have you done? The other thing that we don't know is what? What else are you putting in your pet's body? That we cannot know.
Speaker 1:But what we do know is this there is a big body of evidence, right, that says there is one dog that is supposedly got this diarrhea, one dog that has supposedly got this diarrhea, right Out of all of this, these animals that are eating it. You have one dog. You have one call, right? You remember when Purina had its last issue, I think it was Hills. Was it Hills that had it? Or Purina, where there were so many people talking about sick dogs and dying dogs and everything? Look, the word gets out right. You have a massive amount of people at the same time feeding the same food, calling and saying something is wrong. When you have one that is just loose poops, or even maybe they regurgitated their food, that doesn't mean the dog has the bird flu or the dog is sick or that sick word drives me insane. It means that something in the environment, something in the food, something in the routine did not agree with your dog at that moment in time.
Speaker 2:Right. I look at diarrhea and I say look, isn't that fabulous. The body's identified something that shouldn't be in there, so get rid of it. Isn't that wonderful? Like just if the dog vomits up a little piece of bone. You know, little piece of bone sit in the stomach a little too long. Look at that dog didn't want that piece of bone in the stomach. It got a wonderful way of getting rid of it isn't that wonderful, but most people like oh my god, my dog vomited a piece of bone, so that's bad.
Speaker 2:So now the bone made the dog vomit, so then bone must be bad. Oh, isn't bad. Just a piece sits in there a little too long. They're going to regurgitate. It's not bad. I mean, like mother wolves they. They regurgitate food for their pups. Right, they go eating before the, as the pups are starting to get mean, you know they, the adults, come back and they regurgitate for them.
Speaker 2:So it's not, it's, it's not a bad thing. People just think, oh, we've got these symptoms, so then that's sick and that's a disease, and there must be some bad thing in there causing it. Like, how about it's just part of the body staying healthy, because the body knows how how to stay healthy, and but it, but it gets recognized as as a problem or as a disease, not as a good thing. And and unfortunately you know people okay, dog's got diarrhea, got to run right in. Then what they're going to get put on antibiotics and and some sort of anti diarrheal something or other. So then they're on more drugs and then the diarrhea will get better. And then people say, oh, it must've been that medicine I got. Well, I would say they probably got better in spite of the medicine, not because of it, because what ends up happening is in those bouts of diarrhea keep coming back sooner and sooner, or more and more frequently because you're trashing the gut with all the all the medications, instead of just letting nature run its course yeah, it's, it's.
Speaker 1:It's a tough business, right, because it's so easily targeted. If you're in the kibble business, they don't even respond until there are many dead that's not just dead animals, right, and they have the money to just keep going. I mean, you don't see heels being pulled from the market. If you have ever read the book Reading Dogs from Dr Connor Brady, there's a section in there where he shows all of the recalls from the kibble companies. But you can create this narrative that says real food, bad, processed food, safe. People will feed the processed food. They will be overweight, they will have arthritis, they will have joint pain, dogs the same. And they won't make that connection. They just won't because the truth in the mind is that is safe. I mean, you know what I just? Here's the thing there are not nutritionists sitting in anywhere for these kibble companies. There are marketers.
Speaker 1:And you look at what is the fear and how do we give a solution to that fear? It doesn't have to be true, it's marketing, right? Think about what we saw over the last four years, right, and I'm going to put out one political thing and then I'm not going to say anything. But remember, the laptop was never real. The laptop was never real. However, he was pardoned by his father for a laptop that was never real Does that make any sense? And if you look at all the nonsensical stuff and I would say, don't let your mind be totally eroded away with nonsensical stuff, just like what Brian said Okay, it's non-negative. What does that mean, dr Jason? Does that mean positive? It's non-negative, but then it's neither conclusively positive, right, did they get that from the word salad lady? No, evidently. I mean I'm like, come on, it makes no sense. It's neither conclusively positive or negative. So how would a pet parent even think about that? And how could you force a recall, dr?
Speaker 2:recall, dr jacek, on something like that well, I guess, I guess they you know the fda has their magical powers so they can go in and do it, even if it doesn't make any sense, in the name of public safety and and these smaller companies, they can't fight it. The big companies they got money, they got power. They're owned by even bigger corporations, so the you can't touch them. And they got so much money it doesn't matter. I mean, is anybody watching if hills had a recall? Is anybody watching? Make sure they even get rid of that food. They're gonna probably just repackaging it and selling it again. You know who's watching them. They got so much power. They're part of these big, huge corporate conglomerates that, no, they can just do what they want. No, they're going to go after the little guys because they have an agenda. They want to take out the raw pet food industry. They don't want that. I don't want that out there.
Speaker 1:If they're so smart, dr Jasek, why is there recall after recall after recall on their kibble products? Why? Why? I mean seriously, you don't know what's causing the problem. Maybe it's the 60 different ingredients you have in there, maybe it's the way you formulate it, maybe it's the way you package it, but, honestly, the kibble companies outpace the raw companies by miles on their recalls. Yeah, you just don't see it.
Speaker 2:Right and they just stay in business. So they get a recall. You'll see it in the news and then, oh, it was another recall. They, you know, fixed whatever the problem is and you can just keep buying their food. It's not this whole oh kibble's bad now, which is what should be being said. You know, it's like the raw food, but one little thing, one little bit of propaganda against raw and like then everybody jumps on on that band right.
Speaker 1:So what did they do, what? What steps have they taken to to move you further away from raw? They said, all right, well, let's do cooked, let's do ollie, let's do farmer's dog, let's do all of this stuff that is cooked food. Let me ask you a question, guys listening, if if you eat food void of nutrition, I mean why, I mean what happens? Is that what you want? Do you think about it when you're eating? What kind of nutrition? What am I ensuring that I'm going to get out of this food? Right, is there anything good in this food? Or is it just my body having to break it down and poop it out? The sphincter? I mean, right? So what is this cooked food doing for your dog? And in these commercials, you know, I'm like'm like. What is all that? Is that like quinoa? Is that like rice? It's? You know, there's a lot.
Speaker 2:They put, they put tons of starches in them, that's how they can afford to make them actually and make them so that they they cost less and you know why are they doing it?
Speaker 2:well, they know people are interested in a fresher food. People are starting to hear maybe kibble isn't so good, so they need to get a product out there. But to do a really good, you know raw product with, you know that's just meat based, that's. It costs money. It's expensive, right, it does cost money to do this, well. And so how do they cut costs? Well, they just put a bunch of rice or keema or some kind of starch potato, just those cheap fillers in there. But then they market it. They call it fresh, they even call it raw. I think I sent you a thing. There was this company it was called raws, like r-a-w-z and it wasn't at all raw, it was all cooked, but they called it that.
Speaker 2:I mean, that's just the marketing, that's oh, people are gonna think, think, oh, I'm buying raw food, like no you're not.
Speaker 1:It's like people say oh.
Speaker 2:I feed raw. Well, what do you? Because I always ask exactly what they're feeding and it'd be like these raw coated kibbles or something like that. Oh, I feed, I feed this, you know, raw coated kibble. Okay, it says raw on the label because they want you to think it's fresher, but it's still it's, it's kibble. It's like Froot Loops with yogurt on it or something healthier.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're like well, it's, it's freeze, dried. Well, that's not raw. Right, they're like, well, air dried, no, that's still not raw. Raw is you? It's frozen and you leave it out. And if you leave it out for you know a certain amount of time, it's going to go bad. Right, it's got, just like it's hamburger meat, chicken thighs, that sort of thing at your grocery store. That stuff is raw, right? Yeah, we've just talked about it at nauseam, but I can't. I just, you know, dr jayzik, sometimes I just I fail to to be able to explain it and I I just have to say, hey, if you're that afraid, okay, you probably got to do something different. You probably got to do something different. You probably got to do something different because it's going to just scare the bejesus out of you. It's not going to be a good experience for your dog, it's not going to be a good experience for you. Um, and yeah, I mean, we, we really do want you to have the healthiest dog possible.
Speaker 2:Um, but that fear man, whoo, it's big so go ahead and feed what you need to feed and I'm very sorry that your dog's probably gonna you know, maybe you know cancer in a few years. And why don't you just keep vaccinating too? Just do the whole do the whole night. I actually had a client ask me this a couple weeks ago, said, what do I use to clean my dog's beard? And I said, what do you mean clean your dog's beard? He says, well, it's raw and it gets stuck in there. And I got to get it all cleaned out. I got to clean its beard every time after it eats because it's got like it's the food stuck there. I'm like you got too much time on your hands.
Speaker 2:It's not what I said get a life um, but water wipes. Water wipes are just fine, yeah like I'm like I guess, just whatever you feel like you need to do to clean your dog's beard. I was just kind of stunned in the moment, like really asking this we're really afraid of these little food particles getting stuck in there, because you don't ever get kibble crumbs stuck in there and like that's perfectly fine. Oh my gosh, raw food that's laden with all this horrible bacteria and all this stuff. You know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's nuts, but you know, let's just real quick, quick. I want to touch on the canine influenza. Okay, um, and I got this article from dogs, naturally, and they were talking about what, what is the agenda for the canine influenza? Because, they say, even the American Veterinary Medical Association, the ABMA, says canine influenza virus is not widespread in the dog population and many dogs have never been exposed to the virus. And even they say, look, a dog gets a mild case.
Speaker 1:Again, I would have to contend, how did we even figure out that it was this virus? But, um, they, they said they want you to buy their vaccine. Yeah, uh, so they said, as well as the scary at break map. So there was this map, you know, it said where is, where is the, the, the influence of, you know? And they would put up these headers dog flu knows no boundaries. And and they said, but keep in mind that there, there, there really hasn't been a huge death rate.
Speaker 1:I mean, the AVMA said that from the influenza, okay, that it was 10% um of dogs, but that, uh, dr jean dodge, you guys know dr jean dodge, she estimated the real fatality rate was more like two percent, right, um, and she said that the 10 percent number that the avma used was older data. That's not relevant to today's viruses and I know Dr Dodds is still on the virus train, but she said the death rate in groups of greyhounds who developed hemorrhagic pneumonia during earlier outbreaks were higher and that that was from this virus. Right, um, and the cdc had even said our friends at the cdc that percentage of dogs infected with this canine influenza disease was very, very small. So you've got that narrative and then you have the narrative that they put out there Dog flu knows no boundaries. So what do you need to do? Get in here and get your vaccine.
Speaker 2:Right, exactly, and then compounding, that is. Then you know your daycares and your boarding kennels and trainers and all that. They jump on the fear bandwagon and while they don't want this bird flu or dog flu going through their kennel, you know if they've got a bunch of dogs there. So then they start requiring it and then people are in a bind. Well, if they need to board their dog or they like to take their dog to daycare, then they're required to do all these, all these extra vaccines. You know another thing that I think it's important to keep in mind. You mentioned the greyhounds.
Speaker 2:Well, you have to look at what circumstances are dogs being kept under. You know, if they're looking at racing greyhounds, that's a really stressful life. These dogs are kept in cages, I'm sure they're not fed good diets and they're they're really stressed. They're just pushed to run. They're just. They're a fed good diets and they're they're really stressed. They're just pushed to run. They're just, they're a money making utility. They don't live a good dog life by any means. So they're very, very stressed. So they're going to be more susceptible to illness, whether it's the supposed dog flu or something else. But if you're going to look at a population like that. That is not going to be representative of your well cared for, you know pet dog. That's in a good home and eating a good diet.
Speaker 1:Well, and then they say, look, here's your side effects of the flu vaccinations, right, for dogs fatigue, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, facial swelling, pale gums and anaphylaxis. And then they go on to say and they aren't really very effective, even they, you know, because they say look, the flu is constantly changing. Every year they're going to mutate. Right Now you and I may look at that and say is it chemtrails? And people could say that chemtrails are a conspiracy theory. They are not.
Speaker 1:But you know, if the body does detox which you and I believe that it does in dogs and people, right then we have this beautiful mechanism that says I got to get this crap out of my body Every year. Are they changing the things that are in the environment? And therefore it feels like, wow, this year the flu is coming on really hard. It really hit me hard because your body's got to detox even more stuff out. Or maybe it's a stronger something or other, maybe it's too much plastic, maybe it's too. You know who knows? But it's so easy to just run with these narratives and, yeah, it's frightening. It's frightening to me that it's so easy If I think that John F Kennedy or Bobby Kennedy Jr is going to be able to do anything with the FDA and some of this crazy stuff or the CDC.
Speaker 2:I mean, there's a lot to it so we'll see, but at least maybe, like I mean, I know, once these guys are in there, like it's hard to affect changes sometimes because there's a lot of resistance but even just raising awareness or even just starting to break the narrative, just saying the having somebody up there instead of just being like the you know, fauci, or whatever, just perpetuating the same old narrative that there's viruses and you need vaccines and you know we got to be afraid of all these things If the narrative can start to crack even a little bit, I think that'll help.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dr Jean Dodds had said back in 2015, when, when they had this big, you know, supposed canine influenza. Here was her statement. She said in regards to influenza, you probably should allow nature to run its course. Since the symptoms are generally mild and the fatality rate is extremely low. Your pet will be more than likely fine and develop natural immunity that will keep, will help protect against further adaptations to any similar virus. Um, so she was saying it's a bad trade-off. It's a bad trade-off, um, when you look at what are the risks and the side effects of vaccinations versus just letting your dog deal with it, if, in fact, it is that 2% that has to deal with it.
Speaker 1:So, and I, I, I think that she would probably say the same thing today. I don't know, but this is something that we do need to think about. But again, what can you guys do? I think that you should be contacting, you know, your representatives and and talking to them about how do you help protect the raw dog food industry? Right, you want to be able to protect the industry because you need to protect your dogs and don't get caught up in the narrative, but I think that there are things that people can do, dr Jasek, they need to speak out and say where is the actual proof. And I would be very concerned that if all raw companies are taken down and all you are left with is kibble, how healthy is your pet going to be?
Speaker 2:It's going to be, that's going to be. That would be awful. That'd be devastating for for pets for sure. But then a lot of people will just say, see, I knew it wasn't healthy. That's what. That's what people think, like you know. Thank God the news finally got out instead of, like you said, standing your ground. You know the people that have seen the transformation in their pets. I'm gonna hear that all the time. You know I started on that raw food and holy smokes. You know I like a whole new dog. They look great and they've lost weight and their coat's great and they got great and they and they actually enjoy eating. That's one thing I hear over and over again. Like people, I actually talked to a client last week and he said I can't remember exactly what he's feeding before robin. He said I used to. I had to hand feed my dog.
Speaker 2:I could not get my dog to eat because I just hand feed it and and that was the only way I could get it to eat and he says now I put that wrong the dish and it just gobbles it up like how, because he's eaten what it's, you know what it's what it's meant to eat. So for those of you that have seen that transformation in your pet, you know, speak out about it. You know you kind of have to step outside your comfort zone and ask the questions Is there any real proof of this? Because, look, I see the evidence in my own dog that my dog just is so much healthier on it. Yeah, if you really want to keep this industry going, you're gonna have to, you know, speak out against this narrative. And it's, yeah, it's uncomfortable because it's a little easier to go with the flow sometimes, but you know you have to be an advocate for your pet right?
Speaker 1:well, we are an advocate for your pet here at raw dog food and company, and dr jacek is as well. So if you have any questions about raw feeding, vaccinations, uh, any other kind of medical protocols that you're just kind of questioning, I would get over to a h a vetcom, a h a vetcom, and her will help you. I think a second opinion for somebody who is outside of the narrative, outside of the mainstream, is always good to have. Right, you need options and, um, we have a big history, that that uh of animals, uh, uh, a big body of evidence that you guys don't have. You just are looking at your, your one animal. So sometimes it gets a little daunting. So get over to ahavetcom. They'll help you understand what we've seen, um, in this new paradigm of health. Right, that's not kibble, okay? So get over to rawdogfoodandcompanycom. Remember, brian can help you. All you gotta do is sign up for a free 20-minute consult.
Speaker 1:We also have a chat. You pop into the chat. It's not 24 7, but you will get an answer. You can text us on our main line. Every wednesday we have our yappy hour. So get over to our sell page from 6 pm to midnight every wednesday, where we're going to have lots of great things. It's food, treats, treats, supplements and bones. We've got it all right there for you at rawdogfoodandcompanycom, where your pet's health is our business, and what Dr Jacek.
Speaker 2:Your friends don't let friends feed, kibble y'all.
Speaker 1:That's right, we'll see you soon, everybody, bye-bye, bye. Find out how you can start your dog on the road to health and longevity go to rawdogfoodandcompanycom, where friends don't let friends feed kibble, and where your pet's health is our business.