The Raw Dog Food Truth

Navigating Pet Health Challenges with Dr. Judy Jasek

The Raw Dog Food Truth

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What if changing how we feed our pets could drastically improve their health? Join me, DeDe Murcer-Moffett, alongside my dear friend and guest, Dr. Judy Jasek, as we unpack pressing issues in the pet care world that could reshape how you care for your furry companions. Our conversation kicks off with exciting news about our podcast's move to Buzzsprout, where innovative features like AI-generated transcripts await you. Together, we navigate the changing tides of Colorado's veterinary regulations and the implications of mandatory rabies vaccinations for all pets entering the state, a development that could significantly impact the rescue of out-of-state puppies under 12 weeks old.

Our discussion doesn't shy away from the tough topics either. We shed light on the concerning rise of cancer in pets and its potential ties to toxic vaccines, diets, and environmental factors. Hope shines through as we explore holistic and alternative treatments, along with the transformative power of a species-appropriate diet. The emotional weight of a cancer diagnosis is a journey many pet owners face, and we discuss the importance of maintaining emotional neutrality and recognizing the energetic bonds between humans and animals. As we wrap up, we reflect on life's unpredictability, the fear of loss, and the courage it takes to embrace discomfort while nurturing healthy habits for ourselves and our beloved pets. Join us for a heartfelt exploration into the world of pet care, blending regulatory, health, and emotional insights.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello Raw Feeders. I'm Deedee Mercer-Moffitt, CEO of Raw Dog Food Company, where your pet's health is our business and we're friends, like my long-lost friend, who I miss so much, Dr Judy Jasik is here with us today. How are you, Dr Jasik?

Speaker 2:

You know we're doing good down here in Tennessee enjoying the mild winter. You know you get a few chilly nights and it rains a lot still, but no snow to shovel. So yeah, it's good. We've been exploring the mountains a little bit. We were in Eastern Tennessee doing some hiking. We do miss the mountains. We miss that really good. You know solid hiking and stuff, so we miss that part. But we're exploring and getting out more. So yeah, life is good.

Speaker 1:

Good. Well, it's good to be here with you, to all of our listeners. Thanks for being patient. I've been out with a family member who has some health issues, so my attention has been other places. But we certainly appreciate all of your emails wondering where the podcast is, and it's right here, and so you can get this podcast. Wherever you get your podcast, we're out on a lot of different places, so all you have to do is search. The raw dog food truth Blog Talk is going away, dr Jasek. They've been around for a long time, but we are moving over to Buzzsprout. That will be the home there. Obviously, our home is on the website Raw Dog Food and Company, but that's where it's going to be housed.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of AI. You and I were talking about this. They're utilizing a lot of AI over there, which is great, because they're going to do a transcript. Now, you guys, if you want a lot of AI over there which is great right, because they're going to do a transcript. So now you guys, if you want a transcript of the podcast, you can get it over there as well. So, anyway, that's kind of some stuff that's going on.

Speaker 1:

But I wanted to ask you. You know, we just had the election in Colorado. They voted in, and you know the way that they write these laws or proposals. I should say it's a proposition right, is not all informative all the time, and they can make it look like it's a better deal than it is informative all the time and they can make it look like it's a better deal than it is. One thing that they did in Colorado is that they decided that they were going to put a higher level veterinarian in to the mix. Now, right, so this is sort of like somebody who and maybe you can speak to this better than I can but it's like somebody who's going to sign off on what you can and can't do now at your veterinary location. They voted it in, and the way that they made it sound like was this is going to be way better for your pets. I read it as oh, it's just more regulation, more rules put into place that are going to keep you from being able to have a voice. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess so well, is this the technician like they were going to do, like a technician level, that kind of like a physician assistant?

Speaker 1:

I heard about that one, but maybe this is something different and I'll have to go back and get the actual proposition. As we were talking to Amanda, our daughter, who's a vet, she's like, ooh, thank goodness I'm not in Colorado, right, so she's in Utah, because they would not have the freedom whatever freedom that they have within a clinic to make a decision.

Speaker 2:

So it's over, so it's actually overseeing the vet. So I didn't hear about this then.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that's not good at all. I mean I think you know practitioners not good at all. I mean I think you know practitioners part of what practitioners should be able to do is to practice authentically. I mean, you know that's to me what like true healing is is you have a practitioner that has skills and they tune into their patient and then they make a plan and they're helping them, you know, to heal based on those individual. You know circumstances. But as soon as they're telling the vets it's like corporatized medicine, it's like another level of corporatized medicine. The same thing has happened in human medicine. You know it's been going on for longer there. But now I'm sure the same thing is. You know, sounds like coming down the pike for for Colorado, that that the vets now. So this is like like a, like a veterinary regulator, somebody that's regulating vets, like so it's. They're enforcing what's called standard of care then to but to all veterinarians.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it almost sounded like you know that level, dr Jasek, where they have inside of standard of care veterinary medicine, they have their nutritional that they're, they're certified, that you know, give information that you and I would never recommend.

Speaker 1:

But it almost felt like that, it almost read like that to me, so we'll see how that goes, but anyway I would say that there's, you know, more regulations going on in Colorado. Now, of course, you can see what each state sort of believes after this last election and it gets worrisome. In Colorado there's a new thing that happened. There's a governing body in Colorado for shelters, rescues, pet stores and breeders. Now PACFA proposed the requirement that all pet animals brought into the state of colorado be vaccinated for rabies. Oh, something that's near and dear to our hearts, right and um, even though, um, they cannot be administered. Um, these, these rabies vaccines, uh, until dogs are 12 to 14 weeks old. This essentially bans rescuing out-of-state puppies that are less than 12 weeks old.

Speaker 1:

And Brian had sent this to me and in this he said you know, for the past five years, organizations in Colorado have rescued between 12,000 and 19,000 juvenile dogs from out of state, and they've done that. You know, that's an annual basis, how many dogs they've rescued from out of state. And so, while the definition for juvenile dogs does not directly align with the 12-week slash rabies vaccine requirement. This regulation is going to cause many of these puppies, moms with litters, who are orphaned, abandoned and surrendered. It's not going to allow those dogs to come in. So a large percentage he said of that 19,000 puppies you know would be euthanized if other states can't absorb that population.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in Colorado I had a lot of resources and a lot of people willing to help the rescues. I mean, I would say of you know, when I was working in Colorado, the dogs that I would see adopted from the rescue. It was rare that it didn't come from out of state, like they're from a lot from New Mexico and Texas, because they have huge populations of, you know, stray pets, unwanted pets, and they just couldn't absorb those numbers. So they come up to Colorado. So, yeah, it's really sad and for no even reasonable reason whatsoever. You know we did the rabies webinar. The whole babies thing is all made up to begin with.

Speaker 2:

So now they're just creating laws that are doing nothing but harming the pets, harming the rescues and spreading more fear. Let's spread more fear about, you know, about disease. It's like this, just just like we were talking about with the vets. They're just, it's like the. It's like the slow boiling frog. They're just slowly increasing more and more and more and more.

Speaker 2:

Control is oh, I know there was something I was going to say about that that that thing. It's like you know, anymore, like I look at, the veterinary license is just, it's just handcuffs, like we need a way to like another professional something, I don't know what it looked like, but it's the license. It's licensed veterinarians that are falling under that control. So it's like you could do more without a license to help pets. You know, we just have to be careful that you don't get in trouble for practicing without a license. But if you were doing just, you know, not not doing pharmaceuticals, doing more natural medicine, like we need a way where practitioners can learn how to help pets holistically without being a vet, you know, because it's a license that then they can regulate the.

Speaker 2:

You know it used to be like oh, you know I, you know I'm a licensed vet. It used to be this, like I used to think it was so cool. You know I'm a doctor and all that. Now it's like it's just it's it's just handcuffs, you know, really, because you have to follow if you want to keep that license. And a lot of vets are afraid to do things that that where they would risk are afraid to do things that that where they would risk losing their license. So it's a huge control mechanism. And now all these vets like they work so hard, they got all these debts, like they don't, they don't want to risk letting go of that license. So they're just going to comply with this stuff, you know, and it's just more and more and more and more control.

Speaker 1:

Well, a word that people really need to come to understand is regulate. How are things regulated? How can businesses be regulated out of business? Because that's what Brian said about what's going on. He said it seems that Colorado is trying to regulate rescues out of business, meanwhile allowing breeders and puppy mills to continue to operate. Because, he said PACFA has also proposed a rule change to limit boarding facilities to no more than five dogs from rescues and that dogs from out of state must be in the state for 14 days prior to being placed in a boarding facility. And he said, and lastly, all transports of animals would need to be scheduled and reported to PACFA to include time and location, at least two weeks in advance. So orphan puppies and those mothers who have died at birth often haven't been alive for two weeks and without bottle feeders, these rescuers they're not going to have it.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, right. So you know, when we talk about any business farmers you and I were talking about farmers and we're talking about why. You know, because people will say well, why has the price of food gone up? Regulations, the price of feed, the price of land, the price of insurance? I mean there's so many different things. But you know, one of the things that we have heard is, let's say, a politician doesn't have to take a business down like in your face. All they have to do is regulate them to a point like what they're doing here this example that we just talked about with the rescues in Colorado. Regulate them so hard that you can't make a living, that you can't pay your bills, that you can't continue to do your business. That's all you have to do.

Speaker 2:

Right, and to what end? Like, why are they taking out the rescues? Like, I mean, they use health, you know these, the whole rabies fear tactic, but it's like they just want to wipe out the pets. You know, just like some of their regulations are very bad for humans and the human population is like they just want to depopulate the pets. I mean because there's no logical reason, certainly no benefit to the pets in doing this. So you know, why would they? Why would they do it, except if they want to just depopulate, get rid of the animals? I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know certainly in this journey that that I've been on, I've seen so much cancer in people. You still seeing cancer in pets increase.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all the time I mean I work with you know I I see a lot of cancer patients because I work with cancer and and provide alternative options for people. But yeah, it's, it's just constantly on the increase and same thing.

Speaker 2:

You know younger and younger animals. But you know, I and I see cases that go go both ways. But you know, I see I see a lot of miracles too, you know, and I really think the body can heal. And the body, you know, with the, with the right support. You know, with the, with the right support, um, you know, we can turn things around in some cases, make cancer, make cancer manageable. Still, the pets can live, you know, good quality of life. But it's um, it, yeah, it's. It keeps getting worse. I think the vaccines keep getting more toxic. That's why we're seeing younger and younger animals.

Speaker 2:

I've still seen way more, you know, young animals like one to three years getting diagnosed with cancer. Never used to see that. So I think vaccines are toxic. But I'd say, for a lot of the pets that I see, you know there's still the underlying reasons for it are years of toxicity of some sort the diets, the drugs, the vaccines, the flea and tick, all of this stuff. And it's a wake up call for a lot of people to, you know, say, hey, I need to look at my pet's health differently and what I'm doing, need to look at my pet's health differently and what I'm doing. You know sometimes you're further behind the ball when you start than than in other cases. But you know, I do think you know we live in a toxic world and that's it just. There's there's things that we can't control, but then the things we can control, it just makes it that much more important because I think there's more toxins in our air and water and you know stuff, they're spraying in the skies and all that that we can't get around. So doing the things that we can to keep our pets on a on a really clean routine become even more important, like eating a raw diet you know we were talking about before.

Speaker 2:

You know prices are going up. Yep, prices are going up. Every time you go to the store like holy smokes, you run in for a few things and it's a hundred bucks. But you know you have to. You have to make that choice. What's the? What's the price? What price tag do you put on your health or on your pet's health and maybe need to make some other sacrifices? You know to afford that. If it's important, it just I think it needs to be a big enough priority to.

Speaker 2:

You know if you really understand that that diet, you know, feeding that species. Appropriate diet is the most important foundation. We still still what we talk about. You know, if you're, if you're not, if you can do one thing, make sure they're on a really, really, really good diet, and it's it's important, so you have to invest in that. It's like an insurance policy. You know people buy pet insurance policies. Well, you know, this is the the raw feeding is. In my mind, it's, it's part of that. Think of it as a you know, a little extra, you know clause on your pet's insurance policy. Yeah, you're paying a little extra, but it's going to really help, you know, keep your pet from getting these cancer or other chronic diseases.

Speaker 1:

You know, I heard something you and I were talking about this in regards to fear, right, in regards to the pet parents and when they get this diagnosis of their beloved pets getting cancer, and somebody that I work with who's been in standard of care and also now in the holistic side, so has seen both sides. But here's what she says about when you whether it's your situation or whether it's your pet situation when you are getting information that you may not like right, and we're all going to get information that we don't like at some point in time. But she said, the best thing that you can do for yourself and for all involved is to be neutral, is to get your emotions to become neutral. Right, don't go into the oh my gosh and get way out there on the wheel of what might happen or what's life gonna look like if I don't have my pet, or are they gonna. You know, blah, blah, how we can just, you know, kick up these stories in our head. What she said was so powerful and so helpful to me. But she just said stay neutral with your emotions, gather information. Right, you're just gathering information and you need to look at it like that because, as you've stated, in the pet world, you've seen miracles. You've seen dogs that have done incredible and you've seen dogs that have taken a nosedive for no apparent reason. Right, pets Same thing we see in people.

Speaker 1:

We don't know how much the energetic field is at play, but we do know this that our thoughts are things. Why do I say that? Because energy and we've said this before you can tell. When you walk in a room or you come in contact with an animal, you know whether that animal is aggressive, right, and it's got a bad energy about it. Same thing with people, right? So we know that we are energetic beings. We know that animals are energetic. So these are things.

Speaker 1:

Energy has to go somewhere, dr Jason. It has to go somewhere. Energy doesn't sit still, and so I found that very helpful and I hope that it will help our listeners. Today, when you're encountering a situation with yourself or your pets, you want to try to stay neutral and not let those emotions take you on a ride. And she said I'm not asking you to be void of emotions, right, you don't want to be void of feeling, but you want to be able to get the information that people are giving you, and maybe that information doesn't work for you or whatever. But she said you don't want to block the level of information. And when you are in fear, when you are terribly scared, when you're anxious, all of those low vibrational feelings, she just said that that doesn't serve you. Would you agree with that or not?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I mean emotions are so powerful. Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I mean emotions are so powerful and when we're are in fear or anxiety, you know, I sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I get up, go to the bathroom, lay back down and and I think a lot of it just there's just so much turmoil in the world and just so much that we don't know about what's going on, what's coming up. You know where are things going and I'll just I just start feeling anxiety and just like just building and I was like where is it? I'm not thinking about one thing in particular, but just like where is this coming from? And I think we really need to acknowledge our emotions. But at the same time, you can't let them govern. You don't think clearly when you're anxious or fearful. So I think you have to acknowledge them. But if you feel like you're in that state, that's not a time to make decisions. You know you're not logical.

Speaker 2:

I also think it's really important to really discern where you're getting your information from and who you're getting it from and get multiple opinions. You know the common knee jerk these days is you get news that you don't like, so then you want to go back to the comfort of your own home and research online, unless you're on a website, if somebody you really trust, don't rely on online information, because there's so much false stuff out there. There can be good stuff too. Just know where you're getting your information from and get multiple opinions. If you get information that's really kind of set you off about yourself or your pet, then get, get another opinion, go, you know, talk, talk to somebody else. I mean, most of my patients coming in are getting second opinions because they've heard one side of you know treatment options. They're like it's not really setting well with me. What else is out there? So then they come talk to talk me and then they, you know, need to make a choice of which way are they going to do? But you don't ever, or I think.

Speaker 2:

But I think you do need to to process the emotion, yes, and deal with it. You don't just stuff it because that is only going to harm you. But if you're feeling fearful, say I'm going to take this information, then I'm going to, I'm going to go for a walk or I'm going to do something to clear my head, like I think. You know I'm no psychologist or anything. But I think the worst thing you can do is you're in this, you get this information is making you feel fearful or anxious and then you go and you start researching. Say, you just found out your pet has a cancer diagnosis. Then you spend six hours online researching cancer. You're just going to build that fear and anxiety is just going to build.

Speaker 2:

I think you need to help dissipate those emotions. Acknowledge them. I mean, what I do when I'm feeling uncomfortable emotions. I'm like, hey, I got this anxiety or I'm feeling fearful about this. Okay, I'm just going to be with that emotion and then you know it it they tend to dissipate If you fight them. Fight it. My experience is, if you fight emotion, try to make it go away. I think the worst thing you can do is just stuff it because it's going to come back out later. If you just kind of let it be and do something that helps release it go for a walk or run or hike or whatever it is you know for you Then you circle back when you feel like your mind is clear and then make your logical decisions.

Speaker 2:

I think in medicine a lot of people make medical decisions for their pets in that state of fear and the doctors push that, and I think there are medical practitioners that know that you're in this state and like, okay, well, you don't start chemotherapy right now. You know your pet's only going to live a month. I mean, I've heard many people have been told that. But if you're doing something, making a decision out of fear, I think you really need to take a step back. Your pet is not. If you take a few days just to think through things, that's not going to most likely change the outcome of your pet. You know you take a few days to feel like you're really making the right decisions and pets take on our emotions too.

Speaker 2:

You know we were talking about this. You know, I think sometimes I think when people stay in that state of fear, their pets don't do as well, because the pets are taking on your emotion. So then they're fearful and they don't know what that's for. They're not really worried about being sick, they're just wondering why. You know mom's crying every time she looks at me, or you know I don't go for walks anymore. You know like they just they just want to live their life and be a dog or cat, you know, and but they will pick up on those emotions. I think we need to remember how much that's affecting our pets as well. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to ask you this about anxiety what does that feel like to you? What? What does anxiety? How does that present in your body?

Speaker 2:

It's just like it's like. It's like it's like turbulence. It's like everything is just like like. The energy is just like like I don't know. Just like very almost look like cylinders.

Speaker 1:

as I'm watching you, it's like a car with cylinders.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like everything is just scattered I'm trying to think of the word. It's like a bunch of things moving around, like a bunch of gears moving around, kind of kind of out of control. Nothing's working in harm, everything is kind of disjointed, like everything's just kind of working. It's like not together, like my being, my mind, body, spirit is not working together Like it should be, like your mind should be helping bring in information and helping to inform, but then you're relying on your you know your gut feeling, your intuition and your spiritual influences to make good decisions. But it seems like when I'm anxious like everything, it's like how the wire has been cut like just and everything's just going different directions and you just can't. And then it's like in that state, like anything I think about I feel anxious about, like why am I anxious about that? There's no reason to be anxious about that. But in that state you're anxious about everything. And then you got to bring everything together so that you know things get that harmonious flow again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like anxiety is to me. It seems like it's a time where I have zero control over the situation. Yeah Right, I have zero control of the situation. I want to have control over the situation. I want to have control over the situation. I want to know how the situation is going to turn out. I want to know right now, right. And that causes great anxiety. And I think what I've realized when I come out on the other side of anxiety is that you it's almost like a situation that you're put in to let you know you got to let go right.

Speaker 1:

I cannot know the future, I cannot know why things happen, no matter if I try to put all the puzzle pieces together, right? Why does a dog get cancer at an early age? Why does a human get cancer, you know? Why does Aunt Peggy get to drink a fifth of vodka every night and smoke three packs of cigarette and live to be, you know, 98, versus someone else who gets cancer early on? It's very, it's so. I don't know, dr Jason, it's so maddening.

Speaker 1:

I think that we can't say, or at least I'm not willing to say, well, we're all going to die of something, so I'm just going to eat a bunch of crap, right, my dog's going to die of something, so I'm just going to feed him the crappiest food and I'm going to go through with all of the toxins put in his body. But there are the pet parents and there are people in general who feel like they do everything right and they and they still have to go through pain. And maybe that's just where we are. That's what this place is about, that we call life Right. It's just going to happen. And so what are the tools that we can have when those times come?

Speaker 1:

Right and again feeling our feelings, not wallowing in them, you know, but trying to move through them, recognize them, let them go. Oh, here they come back again. Okay, I know, because I felt this before, that it won't always feel this way. Right, it won't always feel this way, but I still contend, no matter what is that, you have to eat as a person, the cleanest that you can Drink, the best water that you can. Don't, you know, put stupid stuff in your system, and same thing for the pets. So I'm I'm no matter how much I can't figure out things in life, I'm never going to feed my pets kibble or crappy food.

Speaker 1:

I'm just not going to do it. I'm not going to do it because I'm going to do what I can, and then I'm going to have to let the rest go.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I think maybe that's part of our learning here. I believe that we are here to learn things is to be comfortable with that Not knowing. You know. Sometimes you just you just don't know and you have to be comfortable with that. You know, in between, when there's uncertainty, there's a I've heard people refer to it as the like, the space between the stories or something You're in a situation and you don't know exactly. You feel a shift, but you don't know exactly what direction that's going and you just kind of have to be okay with that and but still make good decisions and pick your direction. And it's, you know, it's.

Speaker 2:

It's easier said than done, but I think you know, depending on our personalities, you know, I think sounds like you and I are maybe similar as soon as we can't jump in and take control of the situation and do something about it and take action. Like it's actions Great, like I'll do anything. You know, in a certain situation, if you know what's the best thing to do, but it's then when you have to sit back and say, okay, I don't know what to do right now, and you're, you're in that, so you have to kind of turn it over to you know, maybe a higher power or ask for guidance because you just don't know. So the the not being able to take action, I think, for me, or not knowing which action to take, really uncomfortable. That's very anxiety producing.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think I've met so many people that are uncomfortable in this world that I've come to. I've really come to believe, dr Jasek, that I think we get hung up thinking that we're supposed to have this happiness all the time or comfortable feelings all the time, and I just don't know anybody that has that right, like you know, people that lose that, that, that dog right, that pet, that's the pet right, that one pet, and some people have more than one of those in a lifetime, right, but everybody's got that heart dog, that dog or that cat that was like their companion for life, right, and they lose that and they say I will never get another pet because I could never love another one like that. I get that, I get that, I get that Right, but I don't know if that's, I don't know, I don't know. We can't be afraid of that.

Speaker 1:

It's going to happen and they're going to come and go and people are going to come and go and, yeah, it's a. It's a crazy journey that we're all on and we can look out there and everybody's life seems perfect. Everybody's you know, journey seems like oh, I'm the only one that's feeling like this and somebody out there is listening to us today that's feeling very heart sick, very, that their pet is gone. And then there's some people that are very anxious about the health that their pet is gone. And then there's some people that are very anxious about the health that their pet is exhibiting right now and and we would just say that it nothing lasts forever, right, it's like.

Speaker 2:

It's like you know, if you're familiar with the Garth Brooks song, the dance, you know I could have missed, you know could have skipped the pain, but I would have had to miss the dance. You know, your, your, our animals bring us a lot of joy in life. And like when I lost Max, like that was devastating. He was eight months old and I was like I really like I don't know if I can get another, like I wanted another puppy but then I didn't want to go through all that early puppy training again. But then it's like you know, you got this constant fear of of losing them. But you know, do you really want to not have that joy of having the dog around?

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean life has risk. You know any of us could go get killed in a car accident today. I mean you can't live your life in fear either, because we don't want to have that pain of loss. I mean loss is part of life, no matter how you cut it. It sucks, but it's part of what you're going to experience here and you don't want to not experience life for fear of losing something. And it's also important that you know we live in the moment and appreciate what we do have and find as much joy as we can, even in you know little things in life and not overlook that, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I find joy in in being back on the podcast with you.

Speaker 1:

And I'm so glad that I get to be with you every week and so we'll be back here every week. Guys, remember, get a second opinion. Something not feeling right about the diagnosis, something not feeling right about the recommendations that you've recently received for your pets? You can go over to ahavetcom. Ahavetcom, work with Dr Jasek and her team. They'll give you a totally different outlook, totally different possibility, right? So we definitely want to have all the information available to us. Get your dog on a species appropriate diet. Food is so important. I don't understand. We understand it for ourselves. We're like processed foods, you know, is not good for us. Why are we going to put processed foods in our pets? I don't know why that that it's good.

Speaker 2:

The vets recommend it and they're smart because they wear a white coat.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, I was talking to somebody the other day and their dogs are in such bad shape and she was like but my dogs are on hydro, uh, hydrolyzed protein and, and, and, but he just keeps getting these ear infections and you know, um, I didn't even offer up I just didn't even say because I'm like they're so in deep right they're, they're entrenched like a tick and I was just like I'm just they're just not gonna like me if I say anything.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just like well, I'm so sorry to hear that, but but anyway. I was just like oh, bad nutrition is bad nutrition. You can't get around that. How does the body heal, dr Jason, without good nutrition?

Speaker 2:

Can't. It's the most important thing. If you do nothing else and I think most people you know look at raw and say, oh, it's so much more expensive. Yeah, but how much money are you spending on ear medications for the ear infections or drugs for itchy skin or drugs for GI disease or these prescription diets from the vet they're not cheap and how many supplements and probiotics and all this stuff are you putting into your pet? You could. If you eliminated all that, you put that money towards a raw diet, you'd be saving money. You know I think it's hard for people to to see it that way, but it but it really is the truth, the money. If you look at how many thousands of dollars you're spending at the vet treating your pet and you could put that money into a better diet and then your pet's healthier and you're not spending all your time going back and forth to the vet.

Speaker 1:

Right. And your call to action today, folks, you want to see lower prices. You want to see more puppies be saved. You want to see farmers not removed from the earth. Call your congressman, call your people, call your representatives. Say take the regulations away. Ask them why is our food so expensive? What is happening them? Why is our food so expensive? What is happening? Why is our food so content? Get involved. Call your representatives. Tell them you want something done. Okay, that's your call to action. That's right. Make a couple phone calls. There it is, pick up the phone. All right, everybody. Thanks so much. We will see you next. Get over to rawdogfoodandcompanycom. Get your dogs on a species appropriate diet, because here at Raw Dog Food and Company, your pet's health is our business. And what, dr Jasek, friends don't let friends feed, kibble y'all.

Speaker 1:

That's right, we'll see you next week. Everybody, bye-bye.

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